Trapping Season - October 2003


First Day's Catch

       Not bad for the first day, makes for long days and a lot of work every night . Not complaining tho!          Coon Trapping 'Pard, Jerry, with a couple big ones. 

Matching Fur? sorry, couldn't resist - the editor ;-)


This wasn't an albino, but darn close.....we catch a couple possums now and then :::cough cough:::  but don't see many this color. 



A couple days later I caught this dark coon, another first.  He was almost completely black, no stripes anywhere.  Never caught one that dark before. 


There were a couple good sized (25-30lbs.) in this bunch. 


I drive the pipe in, then wad up some grass, stuff  it in the pipe and then add the bait.

Trap placement isn't any big deal, I just place the trap in front of the pipe on the trail side. You can add some clumps of grass or dirt to guide the coon, but it doesn't seem to make much difference since the coon moves around so much when it is trying to clean out the bait from the pipe.

This set works for me, I've caught 3 coon in it in 3 days. 

This coon was still curious about the pipe when I was in full view taking his picture